Hello Folks,
We (MDP -daddy, MEP-sissy, and LP -mommy) want to thank all of you that have given us feedback on the decision of whether or not to learn the gender of our two newest family members. The results of the poll from our previous entry reveal that 18 of our friends and family feel that we should find out, while 9 feel that it should remain a surprise. After much thought and long discussion the three of us have decided to let the little ones' gender remain a wonderful birthday present!!! That being said, onto the most recent update that included the genetic ultra-sound:
On April 7th the lengthy genetic ultra-sound revealed that there are no preliminary signs for Down Syndrome or Spina Bifida, however your continued thoughts and prayers for two healthy babies are greatly appreciated by all five of us. All other parts and pieces are developing on schedule. Baby A weighed in at 13 oz. and Baby B just over 12 oz., well within the healthy range for even a single baby. The 3-D image of them was AWESOME!!!! LP is progressing nicely, albeit an increasing target for kicks and punches from the eight appendages within. Her stamina remains incredibly strong, and she continues to amaze us with her resilience and beauty.
As of this morning the two new Prestons have developed quite an impressive resume: two plays, heard a live performance from artist Citizen Cope, a video for U.K., helped host a bluegrass radio program, and experienced their first (and hopefully last) earthquake- 5.2 on the richter scale! They also enjoy virgin pina coladas and getting caught in the rain...
As for an update on their due date, Dr. TA has tentatively scheduled an amniocentesis (lung development) for late July, placing delivery between August 7th and 14th...GO LEOS!!!
P.S. MEP won the science fair for her entire school and will soon be competing in the regional fair, go Mo Mo!!! Also, we have a new address, which will be sent soon via email.
All our love and appreciation,