You know, being pregnant can be quite funny in terms of size. I still scoot myself on my chair too close to the table. "Whoa there! Large belly in the way!" I need to buy stock in the Tide Stain Pen....that thing is a miraculous little device. I "forget" how big I really am. I stuggle to get up off the floor if I choose to sit down on it. ( Why do I do that???) I am starting to have trouble bending forward to pick up things on the floor. I have to struggle getting up from low chairs or beanbags...I mean, it's just sort of bizarre. And the scary thing is I'm only getting bigger. At my most recent Dr.'s appointment, Dr. TA said I was measuring at 33 weeks (mind you, I am only 26 weeks right now and the appointment was last week!) So the Hippo Girl has arrived....Jabba-the-Hut Woman! The body never ceases to amaze me.
Other things have changed as well. I have low blood pressure, which is worse in the morning. I can sometimes curb it by drinking copious amounts of water first thing when I wake up...but it dosen't always work. I get what I call the "dizzies" which consist of dizziness, mild nausea, heart race, and a cold sweat. I can't lay on my back without feeling the "dizzies" either which means I have my ultrasounds on my side as well. It has to do with pressure from the babies on important veins and my increased blood flow. Apparently, it is fairly common...but it not alot of fun. I also had some of my first mild contractions...which are also normal...but ALSO, not so much fun. But the good news is that the babies looked great at the last appointment and are in the 35th and 37th percentile which is "perfect" for twins according to Dr. TA. I just keep praying for healthy babies. Let me keep getting more and more uncomfortable...just give us healthy babies.
They are active little critters, too! I am amazed at the strength of their kicks and punches. Baby B is active during the day and Baby A likes the night life and early morning. People have asked me what it feels like to be kicked from the inside....well....I used to think it felt a bit like gas, but now it is very alien. I mean, I can see the babies movements from the outside for gosh sakes!